Most of us constantly
find ourselves pulled by two strings – one tightly clasped to the norms of
society and the other loosely attached to our inner desires to be
free-spirited. We feel we are limitless yet we remain confined to social norms.
There are those moments
when we take a plunge, but in the end surrender, willingly or unwillingly, to
the social pressures and sometimes we fight back as well.
This continuous swaying
kills the limitless potential inside us, compelling us to submit quietly to
social rigidity. And yet it is this tumultuous daily living that gives us food
for thought, sometimes more than what we can handle. It enlightens us and makes
us sick as well, fills our soul with pity!
Conforming to social
rigidity is common place but not conforming is considered weird. But the
weirdest is conforming but unwillingly and that is who I call as the reluctant conformist.
Reluctant conformists endlessly
find themselves striking a balance between society’s expectations, however
irrational and meaningless they seem and their inherent desire to open to all
kinds of not-so acceptable or strictly-unacceptable experiences.
in this state is not always fun. And keeping quiet is also not an option. But I
strongly believe that this pushing and pulling is a source of great richness.
It’s the essence of our being. It supplies us the strength to sustain in our
rigid society. It is also the essence of our emotional being, continually
convincing us to push our boundaries and listen to our heart.
I too fall in this
category. I too am a conformist, but a reluctant one. I also deal with nonstop
head vs. heart fights. I also end up submitting against my will to social
pressures. But when I follow my heart, I do unapologetically. I try to be in my
heart rather than falling into social clutches. Sometimes, I succeed and
sometimes I fail. And that’s the beauty of life.
This blog is about the
daily struggles of reluctant conformists and those aspects of our lives that
are beyond our understanding and yet they govern our lives. It aims to bring
out and discuss those aspects of social norms that create a chaos in our lives
and compel us to think.
‘Reluctant Conformist’ is dedicated to all those people who
find themselves clutched in the social rigidity but at the same time want to
follow their hearts. It’s a platform for all of us to share our struggles, or
anything that is subject to chaos.
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