Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What I Wish for My One-Year Old Niece, Sana!

My sweet baby, love of my life, my dearest Sana,

Today you turned 1. A milestone in itself, as from now on your age will be counted or mentioned in years.

I know the entire family is busy making arrangements for your birthday celebrations. But miles away from you, missing all the fun, all I’m thinking is about you and for you. I know you’re too young to read this, but I’m sure one day you will read it and feel the way I’m feeling right now.

On this day the last year I was so overwhelmed with joy, when I first held you in my arms . I didn’t believe I was so lucky. I got what I wanted. In less than a moment, you became indispensable for me. And every time I look at you or think about you, I feel the same way.

You are, as your name ‘Sana’ describes you, here to shine dazzlingly, resplendently and carve your own path using your cool reserves of wisdom, faculties of observation and kindness and sensitivity.

Today on your birthday, I want to tell you that you’re a crazy child. You do anything and everything to seek attention. You dance; you make crazy noises. You shout; you cry; you play; and you want to eat everything that’s on others’ plates. But my girl, little do you know how much I enjoy being with you. You are such a special girl; I would have taken you from your parents, had it been possible.

My love, I’m sorry for not being able to be with you on your special day. But I know you’re such a happy girl that you barely mind anyone’s absence. While I may be far from you but all my thoughts are for you. On this special day – your birthday, I wish that

§  Life always remains like a fairytale for you. You dress up as beautifully as you have done today on your birthdays.

§  Click a picture when you break your tooth. Nothing less than a selfie is accepted. I know you can operate a cell phone.

§  You never become a part of competition or a rat race when your schooling starts. I wish you develop this understanding right in the beginning that learning is more important. Trust me, grades don’t matter. You may not make it to the best college. But then you can remain surrounded with the best people, no matter where you go. Live a stress-free childhood, unlike the rest of the kids.

§  You make friends with back-benchers. Trust me they are the ones who enjoy life the most.

§  You never have to compromise on your play-time. You have whole life to study and learn. But baby, you won’t find time for your favourite sports, once you’re grown up.

§  You always do what makes you happy and you are strong enough to never go on a guilt trip for not doing what ‘elders’ suggested you or considered right. Think independently.

§  You make good childhood friends. They are the ones who you are most comfortable with. But never take them for granted. It takes more than you can think to nurture relationships.

§  Develop individual relationships with your siblings, cousins or people around you. It’s no body’s business to tell you who to talk to and who not to be with.

§  Find a passion and give more than 100%. Remember your choice doesn’t need approval from anyone.

§  You never profess any religion just for the sake of it. It’s better to adore random beauty and senseless acts of love.

§  You always remain happy with the way you are. You don’t need to look like a so-called ‘diva’. Embrace your individuality. You’re a naturally beautiful and intelligent child. There is nothing that should stress or scare you.

§  You never regret your choices. Be with people who you want to be.

§  Cultivate tastes for finer things. They may not be branded clothes or latest gazettes. Remember you don’t have to possess what’s latest in the market for that. I leave it you what ‘fine’ means to you.

§  Don’t be a conformist or reluctant conformist. Be a non-conformist.  

Here is what I wish for you. You can cross the ones that you don’t like. I understand that you’re a non-conformist and like to do what you feel is right. And I love you because you are you.
Have a great day, my Princess. Bui loves you to the sky and then back.

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