Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Alienating Femininity: Psychological Tragedy with Modern Women

The world around us is a walking-talking museum, displaying as diverse collections as the number of people. This museum is entirely different from deadly-boring brick-and-mortar ones. And the best thing about this is that you actually get to deal with the craziest of characters that even Wikipedia is scared of mentioning.

I have been investigating a ‘special’ kind of species for a while now. This category is of women who have somehow assumed a persona that doesn’t come naturally to them. I don’t know what compels them to behave in such a manner. All I can say is that it’s a social and psychological tragedy.

Spill the beans, now. You must be thinking. 

Okay, so let me not keep you waiting anymore. It’s the woman-with-Y-Chromosome.


Yes. The women who live in denial!

Not able to understand? Now I’m sure you had definitely bunked your science classes in school.
However, no worries! Let me explain this to you.

It’s the presence and absence of Y chromosome that determines the male and female sex. Presence of Y identifies with male sex and absence of it with female sex. (Refer to Wikipedia, should you require more details.)

But who exactly are the women with a Y-Chromosome? The question arises.  

Women-with-Y-Chromosome are those who couldn’t accept being born as females (with X chromosome) and try to behave like men in whatever they do. They are either ashamed of their femininity or are not very comfortable with it.

I’m sure each one of us, men included, has come across this special species of women. These are those women who miss no chance to emulate the traits of men. And not to forget they keep boasting they are as strong as men.

If not you, I have definitely come across such women. And let me also tell you that they have trampled their femininity into the ground, in an effort to be equal to men and exhibit masculine traits. They forget that they are women.

The Tragedy

Women-with-Y-Chromosome have somehow dominated the male’s role. They are too fascinated with what men do, the way they carry themselves and of course their masculine traits. Well, if this fascination results in some kind of association, it is absolutely natural. However, if it is other way around, they end up becoming artificial-men.

In a desperate attempt to being manlier than the men, unknowingly and unintentionally, they become a party to reinforcing the superiority of the masculine traits. It’s a social tragedy. And they lose confidence in their femininity. As a result, it becomes hard for them to fit in either of the two categories – men and women. It’s a psychological tragedy.

So, do I mean to say it is bad to display masculine traits? Is it wrong for women to stay strong? All she should do is make and raise children?


As far as I think, both men are women are constructed of two energies – masculine and feminine. However, when women migrate more towards masculine side, they spoil innate delicateness of their womanliness. It’s okay to have fascination towards masculine traits. However, it’s more important to accept yourself as you are. There is no harm in being a woman and behave like one.

Remember the whole world revolves around womanly qualities. Here I’m, not talking about feminine behavior which is socially regulated and policed. I’m talking about traits like love, compassion, empathy, sensitivity, patience, tenderness and forgiveness.

Both men and women can exhibit these traits, but these are influenced by biological factors to a considerable extent. Love, tenderness and sensitivity come naturally to women. Femininity is a special gift to them, which in no way is a weaker trait. A Woman who emulates masculinity will never truly be a man. She would be a hybrid kind who is neither a man nor a woman.

So, there is a need to understand that men and women are tuned differently. There is a natural difference between them. Womanly traits carry a fundamental value that’s more than necessary for sustenance of the society we live in.

So, shed this notion that you are being born with Y-chromosome and accept yourself unapologetically. We are neither superior, not inferior. We are women.

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